What do you play for?

This text has come from an experience that we are living since 09/10, when our daughter's school proposed a scavenger hunt among families. SPAN>
from the moment I had contact with the idea through the school app I was super excited, imagining interaction scenes and jokes between families. I love to be with our little one and I love to know who is each colleague of it. Seeking her at school is always a delight, her bright eyes when they see me and those of the friends who come to the door of the room wanting to interact.
Well, the school then invited each class to choose a name, a mascot and a color. “Daughter, for the school scavenger each class will have a name. What are we going to put? (I rescued the animals from the songs they sing) and she promptly chose the “yé” (alligator). The other families joined and I was very happy to have her (us) to have participated in the choice of name/mascot/color.
Characterized the groups, started tasks and movement on WhatsApp. Mascot color, build a scrap alligator, go costume, gather plastic caps and so on… records being performed and shared, and the families “pulling themselves”.
each playing in their own way. Some enjoying the process of participating in school life more actively, others thinking about the prize, others playing to win… others managing to unite all the functions of participating in the gymkhana. And you, play for what?
You note difference between playing to win and playing to enjoy?
A friend told of an experience in which, minutes before ending a scavenger hunt at her daughter's school, a donation truck arrived Foods sent by a father and her observation was "Yeah, not knowing how to play." Do you know how to play? How is it to play and not win? This experience can be an excellent entry into the world of “foot on the floor”.
do you get to win or to enjoy?
In contextual behavioral therapies understanding the function of behavior is a central aspect of consciousness and change. The function concerns this "for what" of our behavior. When we change the function of behavior, we change the experience of going through the process.
I then want to play to enjoy.
This text is authored by the cefi contextus team member-Martha Wallig brusius ludwig < >