Cefi College

Family reconstruction after floods of Rio Grande do Sul: practical and emotional aspects

Family reconstruction after floods of Rio Grande do Sul: practical and emotional aspects

The marathon seeks to explore and discuss some of the consequences of floods in family systems, including the post -crisis moment, in order to seek strategies and improvement to serve this population in the clinic. The event will address themes such as family reorganization, change in family roles, financial impacts on the system and the promotion of family mental health.


The SYS Nucleus aims to discuss and expand knowledge with the community about the impacts on families affected by floods.


Lecture given via Zoom


CEFI is a reference place for mental health professionals within systemic therapy and with extensive experience in family care.

Enroll in the course
Family reconstruction after floods of Rio Grande do Sul: practical and emotional aspects
Enroll in the course
  • Target Audience:

    Professionals and mental health students who seek to understand the reverberations of floods in family systems in order to qualify to serve this population.

  • Total workload

    3 hours

  • Period

