Online and offline life
Online and offline life
In less than 20 years, the internet and its tools have brought changes that were previously unimaginable to people's lives. Communication and access to information became viable as never before, with just one click it was possible to search and exchange information from anywhere in the world. The world has become globalized and physical boundaries have been reduced by virtual connections. In the mid-2000s, smartphones enhanced this reality, bringing even more functions and tools to the virtual world. Physical distance was reduced by video calls and instant messaging, tasks that previously required commuting, can now be done online, such as setting up an account via internet banking or buying a book through an online store.
In view of so many tools, functionalities and quick solutions, the virtual world has become the focus of research in the area of mental health due to the behavioral and emotional changes of its users. Questions such as: “Does excessive use of the internet reduce people's ability to relate personally?” Or: "Does the use of social networks cause depression and anxiety in young people?" has been discussed and studied, still without a consolidated response. What is known is that the excessive use of technologies is often associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety, but it has been studied whether this use would trigger the symptoms or if it would be a way of trying to deal with them.
While specialists seek to understand the phenomenon of virtual hyperconnection and its consequences, it is suggested that we try to have a critique of how these devices are being used. Some tips for this are: monitor the time in front of the screens and question what are the goals of use, establish times and time for certain online activities, interleave online activities with offline activities and remove notifications from the applications. Thus, we seek to maintain the benefits provided by technology, but also pay attention to the limits that are important to maintain a balanced use of these tools.
Psychologist Patrícia Pasquali Godoy CRP 07/21234