Grape juice

I recently followed a family member in a surgical procedure and its complications, resulting in 12 days of ICU and 15 to the total hospitalization. It was a difficult process, suffered and continues to have consequences as such. But above all it made me reflect on what is really important and valuable in this life, how we react when we are vulnerable and how much the context influences these situations.
To speak of functional contextualism is to speak of contextual behavioral therapies, understanding that the contextual influence refers to the fact that “the various variables acquire function from the context of their occurrence and therefore, contextual interventions can assign new functions to the same events”. (Oshiro & Ferreira, 2021, p.7). Therefore, being aware of the context that an event or behavior occurs makes all the difference in its functional analysis, understanding what are the background, the behavior itself and the consequences.
To exemplify I share the situation of grape juice. What was once just a grape juice, which was available there in the supermarket and never caught the eye, became the most coveted object for long days of ICU. Remembering that it was in a context of very thirsty because the intake of liquid was prohibited.
This object of great desire in that context has become very valuable and often requested, so much so that when finally released came with the party and celebration by the ICU team and ours. And so it could bring many other examples, such as being able to see the birth of the bedroom day, the first evacuation, the first bath and many others, that only in these contexts of great vulnerability we remember the importance of life's small and automatic things.
Etymologically, the word vulnerability comes from the Latin “ vulneratio ”, which means the quality of being injured. Therefore, it is a term associated with susceptibility or fear of being emotionally or physically injured, and it is normal to cause a sense of danger, alert, disability and even shame. We especially experience emotional vulnerability that a situation of hospitalization generates, being exposed to embarrassing, painful or difficult situations, causing emotional sensations of fear, sadness, anger, frustration and negative thoughts and defeat. The detail is that denying these feelings does not make the problem disappear. The possibility of accepting in an effective way by practicing mindfulness or some other method of relaxation, keeping potent and positive thoughts can bring some peace and connection to the facts and data.
We know that fear generates different types of action impulses. Some people come in fighting mode, others flee or paralyze. In this situation it was evident the difference between my way and my family member and also very contextualized by one's life story. So accepting and welcoming without judgment what each one can do in a moment of so much fragility is a beautiful example of validation and compassion. Being in the place of viewer and being inside the hurricane has a big difference, that is, once again the context generating the text.
Always remember that you are a complete human being with virtues as well as imperfections and as such full of emotions, thoughts and attitudes, which makes it possible to be alive and remember what is essential in life: friends, family, Faith, gratitude and the simple possibility of having a grape juice.