Myths and truths about mourning
Culturally, we can observe the existence and persistence of myths about mourning that can hinder the way each person lives and can deal with loss. Think about how society treats the berights allows us to see beyond what is said, then through the myths we can see what the implicit rules of how to live the mourning exist in society.
if we put all the feelings and sensations of mourning surrounded by rules to be fulfilled, we run the risk of inhibiting the expression of such important feelings to process and deal with the pain of loss, and we also lose the individuality of each mourning process .
We should not cry, sigh and moan for the loss of someone. Do not cry is force signal.
Hide the pain does not disappear, on the contrary - remember, to speak and feel the pain of loss, allows the whirling to understand events, alleviate the sensations of regret and pain and express their emotions spontaneously. / p>
expressing your malaise, the band can cause evil to other people, expanding suffering.
Silence does not contribute the mourning process and does not collaborate with the surrounding environment. Faced with this, our indication is that, both bereaved and people close to them, talk and expose their difficulties in a clear and affectionate way.
All people should feel the mourning in the same way.
mythHowever, each subject builds his own history, has his experiences, beliefs, values and the form with which it relates to the world. Every relationship is unique and thus, although the loss is shared, as when it reaches a family, each member will have a reaction and a way to express their pain.
You can not feel angry. You just need to accept that the person left or something is over.
mythHowever, we emphasize, however, that anger is a very common feeling in mourning and its presence can cause confusion in the bound. Anger can express the frustration before the idea that it could have done something different, but also an indignation by loss.
Mourning makes families more united.
Sometimes yes, others do not. Mourning tends to enhance affections and ways to put into the world. When families are integrated and has good relationship is natural that the Union occurs, otherwise there may be separation, since after loss, maybe make sense in the lives of these families that the best for all is removal.
You should move forward immediately and you should get rid of the memories of the person or relationship so we do not suffer.
It is healthy to feel the emotions caused by mourning, and one should not try to avoid these feelings. They are part of this process, just as it takes the time of each to be ready to move on.
Time by itself cure everything.
We have no doubt that time can collaborate a lot, however, to talk about loss, divide feelings, seek support are attitudes that can potentiate the strength of time and make less lonely the insurfactible task of dealing with the pain of losses .
Want to know more about mourning?
Open inscriptions in Intensive summer course: mourning in individual and family , in the link: https: //
Download, too, the primer " live - speaking About mourning ", free of charge, in the link: https: //