Cefi College

Application of metaphors in clinical practice

To promote psychological flexibility and work the central processes in clinical consultation, the application of metaphors stands out. Metaphors are powerful tools that allow a deeper understanding of the processes of suffering and flexibility, facilitating significant changes.

Using metaphors effectively in clinical practice, guided by the renowned author Niklas Törneke, is the focus of this course. We will explore the scientific basis of how metaphors work and how to create a therapeutic context that favors psychological flexibility. With practical examples, this course offers a deep and practical approach to transforming the way you use metaphors, significantly improving the effectiveness of your therapeutic interventions. This course is indispensable for therapists who want to promote efficient changes and reconnect their customers with what really matters.


General Objective:

Empower therapists in the effective use of metaphors to promote psychological flexibility in their clients, integrating the principles of contextual behavioral therapy in a practical and efficient way in clinical practice.

Specific Objectives:

• Train therapists in the specific ability to promote psychological flexibility using metaphors in clinical practice. This knowledge in a practical and efficient way to improve therapeutic interventions and achieve significant customer changes.


Dialada Expository Class, Presentation of Clinical Cases and Role Playing


• The use of metaphors has become essential for therapists who seek to promote significant changes and reconnect their customers with what really matters. • The course focuses on the practical application of metaphors, enabling therapists to integrate them effectively in the daily therapeutic context.
• The course is taught by Niklas Törneke, one of the prominent figures in the application of metaphors in clinical practice, ensuring high quality learning and relevance.


Technical Coordination:

José Ignacio Gaitan

Administrative Coordination:

Mara Lins


Combo option

Subscribe to both events:

  • Application of metaphors in clinical practice -Dr Niklas Törneke
  • The Matrix Analysis tool as a functional analysis feature -Kevin Polk

Students undergraduate and students CEFI - R $ 405.00

Other professionals - R $ 630.00

 Buy Combo

Cancellation policy

up to 45 days before-70% return

up to 15 days before 40% return

From 14 days before it will not be return (you can transfer registration to someone else.

Enroll in the course
Application of metaphors in clinical practice
Enroll in the course
  • Target Audience:

    Psychologists, health professionals, social workers, people who want to deepen their knowledge in clinical tools for their professional practice

  • Total workload

    6 hours

  • Period



  • Estudantes graduação e alunos CEFI

    R$ 250,00
  • Demais Profissionais

    R$ 350,00