Cefi College

Dealing with the theme of finance in the marital relationship

money management has an impact on relationships between couples and can contribute to marital quality or conflicts between partners. These conflicts, if not constructively administered, can lead to removal between them and culminate in separation. Money is part of people's daily lives and can represent power, prestige, love, success, and a series of meanings attributed by each of the individuals according to their life experiences and lifelong learning. However, this subject is still considered a taboo and finance management has been little approached between families and couples.

The lack of dialogue tends to make it difficult to carry out financial planning and can generate debt and marital conflicts. Therefore, it is necessary for the couple to talk about their learnings and beliefs about money and make effective strategies for finance management.

the couple's financial life should achieve greater space in therapy, given the effects on the relationship. Therefore, it is necessary to expand the training of professionals in the management of therapy with couples in situations of finance -related conflict. Considering the relevance of this subject, this course aims to present different factors that interfere with finance management in the marital relationship and the possibilities of interventions with couples who have difficulties in relation to money.

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