Addressing suicidal behavior: essential elements to support and help

Suicide behavior is a delicate and complex subject that requires a sensitive and attentive approach. It is important to be prepared to offer support and help those who are going through difficult times. In this text, we will explore 7 essential elements to address suicidal behavior.
- listen carefully: listening is critical. Pay attention to the words and emotions of the person, demonstrating genuine interest. Showing that you are willing to listen can help the person to feel understood and less isolated.
- create a frank communication environment: establish a safe and cozy space for the person to express himself freely. Encourages her to share her feelings and thoughts without fear of judgment. Open and honest communication can help the person feel more comfortable to talk about their problems.
- show empathy and sensitivity to difficult speech: understanding and validating one's feelings is essential. Avoid minimizing or devaluing what it is going through. Demonstrate empathy, recognizing the pain and suffering she is facing.
- Avoid judging or interrupting the person: It is important to avoid any kind of judgment or criticism. Allow the person to express himself freely and avoid interrupting or denying his feelings. Showing respect and acceptance is critical to creating a trusting environment.
- Explore the availability of social support: ask the person about their support network, such as friends, family or groups support. Encourage it to seek help and support in the healthy relationships it has. Reinforcing the importance of social support can help the person feel less isolated and more supported.
- expose the possibility of seeking professional help: inform the person about the importance of seeking the help of a professional Mental health, as a psychologist or psychiatrist. Explain that these professionals have knowledge and resources to deal with suicidal behavior and that therapy can be an effective tool to help you find support and coping strategies.
- Promote protective factors: emphasize the importance of cultivating protective factors in your life, such as healthy relationships, hobbies, exercises physical and self -care. Encourage the person to find activities that bring joy and well-being, strengthening their resilience and ability to deal with challenges.
Remember that each situation is unique and professional support is critical. If you or someone you know are at immediate risk, do not hesitate to contact emergency services. Helping someone who is facing suicidal behavior requires empathy, sensitivity and proper guidance. Together we can support and help those who need it most.
It is noteworthy that the content presented here was based on the basic guide for suicide prevention (“Basic Cuadernillo for La Prevention del Suicidio”) Government of Mexico. If you want to know more about it and have access to additional information, I recommend you download the guide through this link: < /span>
This text is by the cefi contextus team member-J Osé Ignacio Cruz Gaitán