Cefi College


Sinop - Attend Workshop Mindfulness Program - Mindfulness and Emotional Balance

Mindfulness is defined as a process in which we bring attention to the present moment, being aware of what goes on in our body, our mind and our emotions. There is scientific evidence of the effectiveness of Mindfulness for a wide range of mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, chronic pain, drug relapse prevention, binge eating, and so on.

The Mindfulness Program - Mindfulness and Emotional Balance is based on the Mindfulness Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP) protocols for impulsive and reactive behaviors and the Body in Mind Trainning (BMT) model. cognitive that utilizes body and movement in the development of mindfulness. In the course participants will learn about Mindfulness-based meditation through theoretical and experiential meetings, aiming to assist in the process of stress reduction, well-being, health improvement and quality of life.

Classes will be taught by Angelica Nickel Adamoli - Physical Educator, PhD student in Clinical Psychology, trained in the Relapse Prevention Model and the neuro-cognitive model Body in Mind Trainning and Breno Irigoyen de Freitas - Master in Psychology with training in the Relapse Prevention Model and the neuro-cognitive model Body in Mind Trainning. Learn more at https://bit.ly/2rHXguU or call 65-999109911 (whatsapp).