Cefi College

Current Themes

What Day is Today? Does it look like a holiday, or is it Sunday?

What day is it today? Does it look like a holiday, or is it Sunday? Routine for what? Why?
And us? And now? It is very easy to get lost in the face of this scenario.
So many uncertainties and insecurities can bring up feelings of anguish, sadness,
fear, anxiety and so many others, which in times of isolation become even more
difficult to handle. It is important to tolerate uneasiness and find healthy
strategies to be able to move forward, otherwise we may fall into the temptation to
seek quick relief through the consumption of substances that momentarily
anesthetize us, doing it seems like everything is lighter. After all, we are driven by the
incessant search for pleasure.
Recently we had the opportunity to see the live of two professionals who are part of Cefi's nuclei, Dr. Cláudia Munhoz and Dr. Martha Ludwig, addressing the relationship
between emotions and addictions. I agree that conscious consumption of alcohol is acceptable,
when there is clarity about its function and the short, medium and long term consequences. The danger exists when consumption becomes a habit, with the aim of
filling voids, relieving unpleasant emotions and masking suffering. We can
perceive and dialogue with our sorrows, disappointments, anger, fear, anxiety, accept them and
discover healthy ways to gratify ourselves.
In this sense, routine can be a great ally for our mental health, and I say our
because I also include myself here. Waking up, having goals for the day, bold is
purposeful, the philosophy of A.A (Alcoholics Anonymous) that helps many addicts can
help us through this crisis, even for those who are not chemically dependent. To live here
and now, to be present without trying to resolve what has already happened and will not return, nor the
future that we do not know. But someone may say that it is impossible to contain our
thoughts, I agree and I suffer from the same evil, there is nothing to do. We just have to
watch them, letting them go without feeling obliged to do something
with or for them.
Reading a book, watching a series, doing physical exercises , having a chimarrão (without
sharing) and putting into practice things that seemed to have no time to be
accomplished. I wanted to have a small garden myself, I already had some spices in
pots, but now I planted them in the soil, even with a very small patio, peppers,
tomatoes and eggplants, and I have spent hours stirring the soil, enjoying the growth
of each seedling, each new leaf that sprouts.
And you? What will be your strategy for living a life that is worth living?