What would you answer me?

The World Health Organization states that there is no "official" definition of mental health. Cultural differences, subjective judgments, and competing related theories affect how "mental health" is defined. Mental health is generally used to describe the level of cognitive or emotional quality of life. It may include an individual's ability to appreciate life and seek a balance between activities and efforts to achieve psychological resilience.
It is important to make it clear that the concept of Mental Health is broader than the absence of mental disorders. Mental Health concerns our daily lives, our lifestyle, the difficulties in the context in which we live. Mental health speaks from access to adequate health and education services, for example, to individual habits and how we cultivate our personal, work and family relationships. In a world where everything happens so fast, where the hours of work are huddled in the midst of needs for professional improvement and demands from home and family, how to find time to think about Mental Health?
The fact is, if you don't find it, the lack of that search is what finds you. As we always reinforce here, the search for mental health services and care is usually at the bottom of the list: After the drugs, the crises, the abuse of food, the drink to numb. However, symptoms such as stress, anxiety, and depression, knock on our door every day, often after several medication cards. This time, not spent, necessary for self-care, over time, charges your account. Listening to the needs of your body, your mind, realizing your limits, listing priorities, is essential for maintaining emotional balance today. If I ask you how these aspects of your life are going today, what would you answer me?
Mariane Radke
Clinical Psychologist at CEFIPOA,
professor of the specialization in systemic therapy
coordinator of external communication CEFIPOA