Write about not being able to write

It was my week to write on the blog. I usually write from some experience that calls me or inspires me. This week there were several: adaptation of my little one in the school, reunion with dear friends of an old work, gold wedding of my parents and many more. In front of the computer, it was hard to choose a way until I had the idea of writing about not being able to write. Come on:
I'm proposing to do something new for me, different, which is writing here and now as I experience the difficulty of choosing. “I tried” actually, because since I decided to write about the process of not being able to write, the challenge has changed and is now being describing this experience. I notice a strangeness, in fact a curiosity or desire to have chosen one of the questions experienced in the week to look at some distance now. My name is back here, to this text I chose to make.
I see the cursor flashing in the document. I write that I see the cursor flashing. I notice myself by noting that I wrote that I see the flashing cursor. He blinked to wait for the words, but now the words are being written, he is moving. I observe myself, in fact, to my process of observing and describing what is happening and my mind already trying to name what is happening here and now. I've left the text and went to my head again. So I stop and look at the cursor flashing, I get motionless for a moment, breathe and seek to reconnect with the experience.
I notice a white. A radio noise that bothers me. A silence that comforts me. I'm present again. Soon my mind calls me and wants to name things and end the text. My body wants to brush my teeth and rest. A self -judgment appears. The fear of the third party trial haunts me. I leave the cursor flash a little more and I follow in an attempt not to let me arrest me for the judgments. I try again to name, and now yes I will get carried away by the mind because I need it to name what happened:
This text sought to write about the experience of writing here and now, groving full attention skills - as I was trying to observe and describe what was going on moment; Defusion - Since I was seeking to take the perspective of the experience, noting the thoughts and emotions that appeared and not being “so” hooked by them.
Attention to the present moment, disregard, acceptance… Mind, experience… These are concepts that working with acceptance and commitment therapy is talked to with patients with the objective of developing psychological flexibility.
Text written by the member of the Contextus Martha Wallig Brusius Ludwig.