Cefi College


Father's Day - Experiencing Grief

Commemorative dates can be delicate moments for bereaved people. They often mobilize, bring memories and arouse the most varied feelings. With the arrival of Father's Day, both children and bereaved parents may encounter slightly different emotions and sensations. It is possible that the nostalgia tightens and the desire to be together again appears strongly. It is common for you to arouse sadness or other unpleasant emotions, but it can also be a time to connect with positive memories and feelings about the departed person. If you can, make it a date to experience your feelings, take back memories, and update the emotional place of that person who remains important in your life, even if you are no longer physically present. People usually have different ways of seeking this connection, whether it is going to the cemetery, writing letters, talking mentally, or seeking other personal ways that bring some comfort. This is a very unique choice and everyone knows the best way to experience this moment. And we know that making room for these experiences is essential to help the grieving process.

Paula Portugal
Psychologist - CRP 07/25293 Adriana Zilberman - CRP 07/4780