Cefi College

Current Themes

Radical acceptance and flood in RS

radical acceptance and flood in RS


I really like the serenity prayer and I think it approaches some processes of acceptance and commitment therapy. I believe the message of this prayer is very much in the context we are living in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. She says: “Grant us, Lord, the serenity necessary to accept the things we cannot modify, courage to modify those we can and wisdom to distinguish from each other. ” 


What are the things we cannot modify in the context of the catastrophe that affected us?  It is the facts, what is put: the hundreds of people who have lost their lives, the memories that are gone with the waters, to have to adapt to life without the presence of someone important. There are many things that we cannot modify. Intense emotional pains are present here, resulting from these facts under which we do not have the slightest control, they are already there. We have no way of modifying. Although very difficult, making room to feel the painful emotions that accompany the moment will be part of the process of continuing life. 


What about things to modify? There are many, endless… from micro to macro changes. From objects and things to clean to macropolitical and environmental issues to be rethought throughout a society.


It is in the differentiation of things under which we have some management and ability to modify versus those that are not under our control that lives the so -called wisdom that prayer presents us. When trying to change what is put, investments an intense emotional energy in vain. Sometimes we fight and do not want to accept the water that rose, the house that was lost, the brother that was gone, the city that changed, the stench that was left. All of this hurts too much… and not accepting it has an effect of increasing this pain. Here comes the ability to accept radically, equated in this text to the serenity of accepting things we cannot modify. It is not a matter of accommodating, but knowing that some things are as they are or are they, which is strangely more at peace. 

This ability to radical acceptance is proposed by dialectical behavioral therapy (TCD) and is defined as “full acceptance e profound of the facts of reality (…) often confused With approval (but not) or considered contrary to change (but not) (Linehan, 2018, p.417). The Patient Training Manual proposes several exercises that help in developing this ability, such as redirecting the mind (p. 345), and the step -by -step of this ability is:

  1. Observe what we are not accepting. 2. Look into your inner and commit to accepting reality as it is. 3. Do it again, several times. Keep redirecting your mind. 4. Develop a plan to in the future catch yourself by deviating from acceptance. 

That in times of crisis and situations that cannot be modified, we can make room within us, as well as help those who are close to accept reality as it is. In the current context of our state due to the flood, the Cefi Contextus team has been engaged in volunteer work to help people.

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Linehan, Marsha M. DBT skill training: dialectical behavioral therapy manual for the therapist. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2018.


Linehan, Marsha M. DBT skill training: dialectical behavioral therapy manual for the patient. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2018.