Cefi College


Life is in the here and now; and the restart is available at all times.

At the end of each year we take stock of past events and future plans. Perhaps our mind is stuck in the past, stuck in the difficulties that are gone or in the future, in the longing for a new beginning.

Third Generation Contextual Therapies teach us that life is in the here and now, and the restart is available all the time.

So we can experience some behaviors according to this worldview:

• Breathe with awareness and notice what happens; • Talk to people who are close about things that really make sense of each other's lives. • Listen to people who are nearby;
• Accept moments of pain and sadness, as they are inherent in life;
• Have compassion for people, have compassion for yourself;
• Go after what really matters; • Look into the eyes of the loved one and observe what they feel;
• Allow to feel the most varied emotions without judgment, simply feel; • Thank the significant people for what they have given you in this. year. Gratitude feeds the soul.

The New Year is special simply because it is new. And we can do something special every time by seeing possibilities in it, with a beginner's mind, hoping to be something better and the courage to do what it takes to get to what really matters.

CEFI Contextus wants a 2016 that addresses the big question: The person you want to be would do what?