The pain of tragedy in RS and the solidarity of people-habuntu
pain… There is no other word that can try to define what the people in RS are felt after the catastrophe occurred… Many lost lives, others have lost their homes, their structures…
and those who are alive are astonished… shock, trauma, feeling of devastation…
and those living are starting to look around… and see each other's pain, feeling each other's pain… to despair with each other…
E, for most people (thankfully), this same pain emerges a boost of doing something, helping, desire to save lives…
Does it save the other, save to myself?
By thinking of something tribal survival, we remember Ubuntu: it is an ancient African wisdom, a philosophy practiced in some regions of Africa, which emphasizes the interconnection between people, co -creation, compassion and goodness. The practice of Ubuntu leads to interconnectivity, we seeing us in others.
Ubuntu dissipates the myth that we are separated as humans and emphasizes the benefits we have to be interconnected, collaborate and serve the interests of the whole, rather than serving individual interests. This is a great change in 'self-centered' to 'us-centeredness'.
“A TRANTO NGABANTO” translated means: “A human is only human through others” or “I am because we are”.
Perhaps here is an explanation of the collective help that gauchos are experiencing. People around the world involved in making the impossible to help, going in homes where there are risks to save lives, save animals, organizing donations from food, clothes, mattresses, toys, etc., to give the minimal survival for homeless, but yes , a deep lament through the hasty deaths… pain of one, all pain, Ubuntu states that we are all united and with all beings, both the beings we see and those we cannot see with our natural eyes, but we can feel their existence , especially at this moment of sadness.
Ubuntu brings a profound sense that we are human only through humanity of others, that if we want to do something in this world, it will be necessary to measure equal to the work and achievements of others. Here we can refer to work in equal measures of aid to life, its own and that of others, because there is the feeling that each person is part of the main - belonging to a community that has been devastated.
Stories narration is used in the African tradition to guide young people, connect them to their roots and convey sacred wisdom and old values. Perhaps we can tell our story to future generations about the catastrophe we live with flooding not only for loss, pain, but also for the solidarity of a people who occurred because of their brotherhood, their interconnectivity, emotion when seeing a Child finding his mother, satisfying her to see a homeless sleeping warm, from the collective pain that saved lives. I hope our story is of love that transforms.
I am because we are.