Cefi College

Current Themes

2020 was not an easy year ...

2020 was not an easy year. We had many adaptations, flexibility, losses, fears, anxieties about the future of our family and our community. But 2020 was also a challenging year. We have learned to overcome the discomfort of confinement, social isolation, we have learned to juggle personal finances and a lot, but a lot of waist and emotional balance.

We understand that emotional balance is different from never being able to give that "freak out", procrastinating the tasks because we can no longer stand to stay at home, or cry with longing for those who, for safety and love, distance ourselves socially. To understand that these feelings and floods are precisely what guaranteed us to go through the storm, to extinguish our anxieties and survive another one, or nine months of this crazy year.

The "bad" feelings and outbursts are often those that protect us, help us "empty", help us set limits on how far we can and are willing to go. That's why they were so important that year too.

For 2021, or 2020.2 for some, we hope that this year's learning will serve as a stage for a new better cycle. We hope that everything we live together is the road to new paths of awareness of the importance of affections, our relationships, life choices and also our limits. May we be able to live 2021 with more focus on where, how and with whom we want to be today, enjoy each day and inscribe in this new cycle of history the characteristics and achievements that 2020, so wisely, paved.

2021 will be a year of new beginnings, of (re) stabilization, of impulse taking for larger flights, and we hope to be with you throughout this process. The CEFI Family renews the desire for closeness, for the exchange of affection and affectations, for support and for personal and social development for the new year that begins. Our best feelings and a strong virtual hug! # Famíliacefi2021