May 18: National Day to Combat Abuse and Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents
The Pandemia of COVID-19 and all its family, social and economic repercussions made May 18 even more important to be remembered. For those who do not know, that same day in the year 1973, the girl Araceli Cabrera Sanchez Crespo would not return to the house after her school time, in the state of Espírito Santo. Six days later, her body would be found, revealing a brutal crime of sexual violence. Her aggressors have never been held responsible. In the year 2000, Law 9970 established this date as the National Day to Combat Abuse and Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents, noting the importance of facing this situation, in various spheres.
Brazil has a significant number of children and adolescents victims of all forms of violence. Complaints received indicate only part of a total, which will always be unknown, because many victims of sexual violence never reveal and never have their situation notified and denounced. Both abuses, which can happen within families, and the situation of sexual exploitation, which involves a commercial issue of material or financial exchange, implies damage to the development of children and adolescents and, consequently, for society in a way General.
While we lived the pandemic, the strategies indicated by the health authorities necessarily involve reducing care to the population in different services, including reducing access to professionals to face -to -face contact with children. While this period was only boring for some families, it was a serious risk to those who already had in their daily life conflicts and violent relationships. Risk factors such as stress, alcohol use and socioeconomic difficulties have been amplified, and what we realize today in services is the arrival of chronified and aggravated cases, especially involving the most vulnerable populations such as women and children. >
We always need to keep a look at those who are more dependent and who may need protective actions. Among them, the denunciation through official means, such as dial 100 (human rights dial), can make a difference in that victim's life, interrupting violence and ensuring their dignity and survival. Let us do our part, remembering that it is not necessary to be sure about the situation - just suspect - and that we are all responsible for children and adolescents, who must be the priority of our care actions.
Reading suggestion: Proteja Channel (2022). Protection of children and adolescents: a booklet for adults. 3rd ed. Passo Fundo: Protect Channel. Available at
Written by Dr. Catula Pelisoli, psychologist, PhD in Psychology and Proteja Channel Producer (@canalproteja).