Cefi College


Recharge your energies in the family ... And end the stress of work

One less holiday?

May 1st is International Labor or Labor Day. In Brazil it is a holiday instituted by President Artur Bernardes in 1925. Historically it is a day of protests, parties or even the moment of announcement of salary increase.

It is the financial gains from work that enable families to support themselves and provide individuals with quality of life. But to what extent does work bring quality of life? The daily routine of some professions is stressful. Everything is for yesterday, there is no appreciation of the professional and smartphones do not let you relax even outside working hours. It's the stress that comes, often for fear of not being competent or not looking professional. In some situations stress becomes burnout, a burnout syndrome. And by the time you get to those states, the intended quality of life has already gone bad.

But how can you avoid getting to this point? Well, I could write several tips here such as sleeping 8 hours a night, eating properly, exercising, avoiding listening to "gossip", not looking at emails outside of working hours, etc.

But one thing is crucial: do something you love very much at least once a week and get your family involved in the activity. Take advantage of that little time you have with your family to look at your children. Look with the eyes of the heart. Listen to them and be empathetic with their feelings, watch them grow, laugh affectionately at their jokes. This strengthens bonds, qualifies the support network, relaxes and gives everyone a good time.

In the midst of a chaotic routine, we need to invent spaces of affection, family sharing so that stress can be discharged, batteries recharged and thus returned to the lighter work environment ready to face adversity.

This May 1st falls on a Sunday. One less holiday, one usually thinks. But maybe it's a sign that you can enjoy Sunday for family fun without waiting for the next holiday?

Viviane Grafitti - Clinical Psychologist - CRP 07/23210
Couple and Family Therapist by CEFI