Teacher: How many skills do you have?

"Teaching will be the most important work of the 21st century" indicates the Alex Beard specialist after analyzing the characteristics of education in more than 20 countries to write the book Natural Born Learners. em> Just as Professor Beard, teachers of all levels of education are tireless in the search for effective strategies to assist their students to learn and consolidate knowledge. P> supported in the protagonism of Professor Beard and on the eve of the celebration for the day of the teacher, I raise some reflections on this profession as full of meanings and still not valued in our society. You may possibly live without enjoying the services provided in several professions, but I could never dodge to go through a teacher's "hands" at some point in life. You will surely remember one who has touched you by the ability to teach, for the care of your way of learning, by the teaching that made the difference or the function so close to that Exercise by our parents: Teach, develop, to prepare, Life. P> Be a teacher requires security to flexibilize, sensitivity and attention to touch those who are distant, enthusiasm to captivate, especially in times of distraction, creativity to maintain student engagement among so many other skills. By the way, as I wrote this text, I remember several teachers who left a little of themselves with me contributing to the professional and the teacher I became. Particularly, I remember how much indispensable and marked my life with your knowledge and experience. P> I invite you to think about this professional who has passed through your life or that still participates in it somehow. Submit a message of thanks regarding how much this passage marked your trajectory of personal, academic, professional, social life ... After all, we can infect these professionals with gratitude and with recognition until we can, as society and state, give teachers The value they deserve. P> This October 15, 2021, I congratulate all teachers, in particular to CEFI teachers - Facefi for the commitment, enthusiasm and efficiency with which they carry out their teaching activities. P> text written by the Psychologist and Coordinator of the Facafi Psychology Course, Cristofer Batista da Costa. span>< span style = "color: # 000000; font-family: 'times new roman', serif;"> span> p>