Cefi College



Lately, cases of suicide in Brazil and around the world have grown to frightening proportions. The rate increased by 60% in Brazil from 1980 to 2014, being predominantly in the 15-29 age group. What would be the reasons for this? What drives people to take their own lives? This is a very complex subject, and there is no single cause to explain it. We must consider the influence of biological, psychological, social and cultural factors. The common factor in most cases is the immediate need to end pain, anguish and psychological distress. It is common for family and friends to experience strong feelings of guilt and helplessness because they have not noticed signs of deep suffering in their lives. suicidal. We point out one important fact: very little is said about it. Most of the population is not oriented to identify these signs. In order to alert and raise awareness of suicide and its prevention in 2014, the CVV (Center for the Valorization of Life) and the ABP (Brazilian Psychiatric Association) created the “Yellow September” campaign that aims to The main goal is prevention. We believe that one of the most effective ways to prevent this is to inform the population, talk about it and stimulate dialogue. Demonstrating empathy with another's pain is essential. Pay more attention when you hear “warning phrases” such as “I'm tired of living” or “can't take it anymore”, especially if they are associated with depression, hopelessness, helplessness and despair. Open and non-judgmental dialogue can help to identify the degree of risk the person is in. Find out if the person thinks about suicide and if there is a specific plan. If so, do not leave the person unattended until he or she is referred to an institution and receives appropriate professional attention. Receiving medical, psychological and psychiatric care, this fight can be won, enabling the person at risk to live a better life and perhaps with new perspectives.
Text: Marjana Siqueira da Silva
Brunelly Ramos Ferrari
Nina Aguilar Soares
Members of CORA - CEFI Mourning Center