October Rose: the importance of the support network

Breast cancer is one of the most haunting diseases for women. There are many preventive indications that are frequently updated: breast self-examination monthly (as about 90% of tumors are detected by the patient herself), breast examination periodically (according to age group), mammography annually, etc. .
Despite all indications of care, more than 55,000 women are diagnosed with the disease in Brazil each year. And in the face of the need for treatment, feelings such as anger, sadness, restlessness, anxiety, anguish and fear are constantly experienced. Such a severe diagnosis for many people is the first contact with the real possibility of finitude in life. The word cancer is still more associated with death than cure.
In women, the breast represents, among other things, the difference between the sexes, sensuality, sensitivity, and is linked to motherhood. A disease in the breasts can still shake femininity into an organ so representative of the female condition. A cancer treatment causes many impacts beyond the body and can cause significant changes in your social, sexual and professional life.
Having a support network that helps you cope with illness means surrounding yourself with affection, solidarity, information about the disease and treatment, as well as support for feelings of powerlessness that involve being sick. However, one must consider that often people who are emotionally involved with the sick also suffer and have their anxieties, fears and doubts, weakening and needing help.
Given this, the search for individual or family listening space can facilitate contact with reality from other angles, allowing communication to flow more clearly, addressing fears, evaluating projections and restoring mutual trust between people. and the possibility of overcoming a difficult situation.
Author: psychologist Ana Maria Dalagnese of CORA - CEFI's Grief Center