What is being a parent?
Usually the answers revolve around high expectations, ideals that hardly exist. Our proposal is an expansion of our look at possible and imperfect relationships. It is likely that many of us do not have that friendly father, protector, source of security, and everything we want or even need. Maybe we have that father who wants to reverse roles and be our son! Weekend parents, parents who occasionally come up, gooey parents, sneaky parents, runaway parents. And how is the relationship between parents and children? On the one hand, an expectation, even social, that it is wonderful, on the other, the reality showing that there is nothing but human beings, confused or not, trying to relate as they learned in their personal history. We may become adults when we realize that we did not have a father, but a person who played or plays the role of father at some points in his life. Perhaps we can make the most of this relationship when we are together, when possible, by opening the person's love and acceptance as it is. Maybe we can unconditionally love the wrong-right dad we all have. The love of this relationship? Of course there is! Waddy or not, shown explicitly or inside out in the form of hurts. The CEFI Family wants the parent-child relationship to be as genuine as possible, in which everyone can be loved and valued for who they really are. And congratulations to the parents for their day!
Mara Lins and Adriana Zilberman - CEFI Directors