Cefi College


Trans Visibility Day: on citizenship and human rights

The exercise of a trans citizenship is still characterized by a series of obstacles, fostered by social norms that commonly corroborate the invisibility of this population. These obstacles can be perceived in access to health services, the labor market, social assistance services, psychotherapy, expanded clinic and in several other scenarios. Considering the limitations suffered by trans people in daily life, we can say that the day of visibility is a day about struggles. A day of struggle for the basic recognition of human dignity. A claim for the right to pursue life.

With regard to the clinic, paying close attention to the discrimination that the trans population suffers daily is one of the bases for proper reception. From everyday restraints to verbal and physical violence, the psychotherapist must assume the effects that the lack of full citizenship has on a trans person. In addition, he must seek in an intersectoral and integral way an expanded clinic that addresses not only the psychic suffering of this population, but also the search for their rights and the affirmation of a dignified and human gender identity.

The CEFI team repudiates any kind of discrimination and provides absolute support to the trans population.
Author: Gustavo Affonso Gomes