Cefi College



Childhood is one of the richest developmental stages of human life. To be a child is to be curious and to be enchanted with the new every day. It is being spontaneous and bringing questions and new ways of seeing the simple things in life. The ways of play have changed over the years, but play remains one of the main activities of any child. It is through play that she will learn to socialize, tolerate frustrations, share her ideas, enter the world of imagination and deal with her feelings.

Children are wise ... they teach us every day to look at life in a less judgmental and more generous way. Just accompany them in their childish world, being open to the many experiences they go through and provide for those around them. And what does a child need? Of love, respect for your needs and relationships that enable you to see the world in a positive way, full of challenges and possibilities. A child learns to love by being loved and will learn to put himself in the shoes of others by having empathic relationships with him that show acceptance of his vulnerabilities and appreciation of his potentials. The importance of developing healthy affections with parents or carers and being validated in your feelings will make this child a safer and more confident adult.
For parents, allow yourself to see the world as a child. The best gift you can give a child is the loving presence of parents who are not always superheroes, but are people who learn to be better fathers and mothers each day and with each new experience. Take care of your children with affection, encourage their autonomy and learning. They have dreams of their own that must be respected. They do not have to be copies of you or what you believe they should be. Each child is unique and therein lies their great value and learning. Take care of yourself to be constantly evolving and growing people and don't forget that your children follow in your footsteps and their example.
Children's day is every day, but it deserves to be celebrated to remember that one day all of us we were children and the importance of taking care of our little ones to have a future with more empathic and humanized relationships.

Text: Maria Isabel Wendling - Psychologist, Master in Clinical Psychology (PUCRS), Individual Therapist, Couple and Family (CEFI), Collaborating Professor of Cefi and Professor of the Psychology Course at PUCRS.