Cefi College


Caution: During the holidays, drug addicts often relapse.

Our society makes an apology for the use of psychoactive substances, especially at the holidays, as if pleasure and fun depended on the degree of intoxication of people. For those who have problems with alcohol or other drugs is a period of high risk.
Given this, there are some precautions that the drug addict and his family can take to prevent relapse and / or further intoxication.

Here are some tips for addicts and their families:

1) For a chemical dependent on treatment:

- attend an AA / NA meeting on the night or eve of the party;
- do not sit on an empty stomach;
- use antiethanol;
- eat sweet;
- Always keep a glass of soda, water or juice in your hand and toast with it.

2) For those who have to attend your work events or other important group, a good tip is to use the 4 Ss technique:

1st S: Rise at the event at a time when it has already started so you don't have to wait too long for the party to start;
2nd S: Salute people, bosses, coworkers for others to see your participation and appreciation in the company event;
3rd S: Smiling, chatting, looking for pleasant moments with colleagues;
4th S: Quitting discreetly before people get drunk and the party goes by for a buzzing mood.

3) For the chemical dependent family:

- reflect on the need for excess alcohol at parties;
understand that this is a time of heavy exposure for the addict;
if the addict wants to withdraw from the party, respect, understanding that it is not something against the family, but a form of protection against the stimuli of use;
parents are an example for their children.

Finally, at first it may seem unpleasant to take such care, but the ability to live is based on the ability to tolerate frustrations and move on. By tolerating dissatisfaction, strength is gained for the process called healthy living.

CEFI Integration wishes you a merry Christmas and a healthy New Year!