Cefi College


Meet the Adult Skills Training Group (DBT)

Dialectic Behavior Therapy Adult Training teaches how to regulate one's emotions and improve problem-solving skills in everyday life. This improves the bond with the people who are important in life.

It is intended especially for people who have Emotional Disruption, with three characteristics in common: high sensitivity to intense emotions and a slow return to calmness, associated with a difficulty in modulating emotions and responding effectively to them. context. For these people, it is very difficult to tolerate what they feel and choose how to respond. This stems from biological predispositions combined with traumatic life experiences lived in an environment that did not validate one's emotional responses, nor teach them effective ways to deal with emotions and everyday problems.

Lack of emotion-handling skills causes people with Emotional Disruption to have extreme impulsive or passive behaviors, which alleviate some of the suffering they experience, but have unintended consequences — usually the withdrawal of loved ones, and, sometimes life-threatening.

The purpose of Skills Training is to broaden the behavioral repertoire through a theoretical and experiential course that plans to work on four skills:

1) Mindfulness - learn to be aware of your life in the present moment, increase self awareness, reduce stress.

2) Interpersonal Effectiveness- learn to say YES, to say NO, maintain your position and negotiate to achieve what you want, observing self-respect and respect in relationships.

3) Emotional Regulation- identify, understand and describe emotions. Decrease the frequency of unwanted emotions, decrease emotional vulnerability and suffering, work out tolerance for malaise.

4) Radical Acceptance - When situations happen in life that we cannot change what we have left is "not making things worse". Learn skills that help lessen inner struggle and increase effectiveness, inner peace, and personal satisfaction.