Cefi College

Current Themes

New Year, Love and the Eternity of HERE AND NOW

The New Year comes with the intention of renewal, a fresh breeze that brings with it the promise of restarts. It is a magical moment, when the invisible line between past and future seems to dissolve, leaving us in the present-this meeting point between what was and what will still be. However, in the impetus of projecting dreams and expectations for what comes, we often forget the most precious invitation that life makes us: Living the now.

In love relationships, this truth reveals itself as a delicate dance between time and eternity. To love is, in essence, to be present. It is contemplating the other with eyes that are not lost in yesterday's shadows nor are they confused by the promises of tomorrow. In love, the here and now is not just a passing moment: it is where life really happens. It is wanting to cultivate the relationship “though” so many impediments that we include in a love relationship. We are certainly not talking about abusive relationships whose position is different: no, the limit. We are referring here to relationships between humans with their weaknesses and fortresses, which get in the way of their actions, but want to maintain their loving connection in the best possible way.

The New Year, with its hopes and resolutions, can be a time to renew the ties that unite the hearts. Many couples trace plans for the future - trips they haven't made yet, dreams they haven't made yet, challenges they want to overcome together. But between goals and promises, what really supports the relationship are the moment shared in the present. It is the break for a long look, the touch of hands that silently says "I'm here," the laughter that springs from everyday life.

Living the present in a relationship is also an act of courage. It requires abandoning the hurts that insist on imprisoning us to the past and not fearing what the future can bring. It requires accepting the partnership as it is - human, fallible, but infinitely unique in its essence. It is to understand that perfection is not what makes love good or important, but the shared vulnerability, the commitment to grow together and the ability to find, in time, in the present.

And there is something deeply poetic in this choice of living now. It's like every gesture - a smile, a kiss, a hug - it was a little eternity, a reminder that time, when lived with intensity, is no longer linear. The moment you look into the eyes of those who love and realize that nothing more matters beyond that moment, and perhaps one can feel infinite.

That in this New Year we can embrace the simplicity and depth of the present moment. Let us stop measuring love for what it was or what it will be, and we welcome it for what it is simply. Because life does not expect, it happens in the now, in the exchange of looks, the sharing of silences, in the complicity of little things.

Want to try in a small exercise? Invite your partnership to stay for 4 minutes looking into each other's eyes… What do you observe? What do you think about this person you chose to go along your way? What do you feel for this person? The invitation is so that, when we live, with our heart anchored in the present, we can discover that love is, in its essence, timeless. He is not lost in time, he transcends him. He is, like life, the here and the now - and that is everything.