Cefi College


Workshop - Couple Integrative Behavioral Therapy (IBCT): contextual approach therapy promoting acceptance in marital relationships

Couple and Family Therapists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists and Psychology Students cannot miss this opportunity! The Workshop - Integrative Couple Behavioral Therapy (IBCT): contextual approach therapy promoting acceptance in marital relationships - will present the conceptual foundations of IBCT (Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy) and demonstrate its therapeutic process.

The IBCT suggests integration between change and acceptance. The concept of Acceptance is used as a tool to manage incompatibilities, being one of the main differentials between IBCT and other couple therapy modalities. The main authors are Neil Jacobson, Andrew Cristensen and Brian Doss.

The event will take place on July 27th and 28th. There are 14 class hours with practical exercises in small groups, case studies and experiential techniques. Content includes: Basis of Contextual Behavior Therapies, Acceptance concept, IBCT couple therapy protocol, Acceptance, Tolerance, and Change strategies. The Workshop will be presented by psychologist Mara Lins - Couple and Family Therapist, trained in Contextual Behavior Therapies, Master in Social Psychology and Doctoral Student in Psychology with study of therapeutic process evaluation of IBCT. Learn more at https://bit.ly/2MidQun or call 51 99420-7008 (whatsapp).