Cefi College


Wilson Melo confirmed at CEFI 2019 Congress

Dr. Wilson Melo has already confirmed his presence as a lecturer at the 2nd CEFI Congress - Integrating Different Approaches, which takes place from September 18 to 21, 2019. He is also a Master in Clinical Psychology (PUCRS) with Intensive Training in Dialectic Behavior Therapy, He was undergraduate professor of Psychology for ten years (FACCAT / ULBRA / IBGEN). He is currently a postgraduate professor at the Cognitive Therapy Specialization level in several states of Brazil. Wilson is a member of the Basic Research Applied in a Cognitive Behavioral Perspective Working Group of the National Psychological Research and Postgraduate Association (ANPEPP) and a founding member of the Rio Grande do Sul Cognitive Therapy Association (ATC-RS) and Founder of the Cognitive Therapy Institute of Rio Grande do Sul (ITC-RS), where he works as a psychotherapist, provides clinical supervision and diagnostic consultancy. Enjoy the 1st promotional lot of the congress until 10/20. Learn more at www.congressocefi.com.br or call (51) 99420-7008.