Cefi College


Vicente Caballo gives lecture in Cáceres - MT

CEFI is honored to bring an international guest to Cáceres. Spanish psychologist Vicente Caballo will present the lecture - Social Skills Assessment and Training. The event is scheduled for October 4, from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm. VICENTE CABALLO: PhD in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid and Professor of Psychopathology at the University of Granada (Spain). Founder and director of the journal Behavioral Psychology / Conductual Psychology, the Ibero-American Psychological Association of Clinical and Health (APICSA) and the research group Advances in Psychopathology and Behavior Therapy (APYTEC). He has authored several books and articles, has lectured in over 10 countries. She is currently researching social anxiety / phobia, bullying, and personality disorders.
Registration is now open. Learn more at (65) 9991.09911 or visit http://bit.ly/2wrSkio.