Cefi College


Let's take care of emotions?

Last year CEFI began a very strong group follow-up work. The results were so positive that they are back in 2017, starting in the second half of March.

The project, coordinated by CEFI Contextus, is divided into three care groups: adults, adolescents, as well as parents and family members. The treatment is based on Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) already successfully used for Emotional Disruption, Chemical Dependence, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Eating and Personality Disorders. DBT is a model that emphasizes the balance between acceptance and change in promoting a life worth living.

The program lasts 9 months and is divided into four modules: Full Consciousness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotional Regulation and Radical Acceptance. To be part of the group, it is essential that the patient does individual psychotherapy. It is noteworthy that this is not group psychotherapy, but a course to learn how to deal with emotions. Interested? Schedule an interview with one of the coaches at 51 3346.1525