Cefi College


Teen Skills Training

Adolescence is a phase marked by intense physical, emotional and intellectual changes. For some young people, the search for an identity and increased social interaction may be accompanied by psychological distress and risky behaviors. CEFI offers a complete and differentiated treatment based on Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), emphasizing the balance between acceptance and change in promoting a life worth living. It is an evidence-based therapeutic approach and widely recognized as effective in the treatment of Emotional Disruption, perceived in disorders such as depression and anxiety, social phobia and in situations where there are risky behaviors, such as problematic substance use, eating disorders, self-injuries, among others. other difficulties.

Beginning is 02/02. To participate in Teen Skills Training you need one or more family members to take additional training: the Parent and Family Skills Course. Find out more at www.cefipoa.com.br or call 51 99420-7008 (whatsapp).