Cefi College


Sao Paulo - Mindful Compassion Art Therapy Experiential Workshop

CORA - CEFI's Grief Center, Instituto Quatro Estações and the Brazilian Institute of Mindfulness and Compassion are pleased to invite you to this special event in São Paulo. Mindful Compassion Art Therapy Experiential Workshop (MCAT) - Caring for the Caregiver: Building Resilience and Emotional Competence will be led by Andy Hau Yan Ho - PhD in Philosophy, Scientific Studies of Death (Thanatology) and Education, Assistant Professor of Psychology in Singapore and research and teaching specialist in public health palliative care, paternal care and mourning, among others. And by Geraldine Tan-Ho - Singaporean Master of Social Sciences and Thanatologist.

The aim of the workshop is to teach how to apply mindfulness practice and expressive art in clinical work and supervisory settings, as caring for clients and patients in distress, especially those facing serious illness, trauma, death and grief. part of the routine of doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologists and other health professionals. The problem is that these are activities that cause high levels of stress and burnout. The integration of mindfulness practice into art therapy-based supervision has immense self-care potential, helping to cultivate compassion and resilience in dealing with such difficult situations. Find out more at http://bit.ly/2n10jfB or call 51 99420-7008 (whatsapp).