Cefi College


Roberta Kovac will also attend the CEFI 2019 Congress

Psychologist Roberta Kovac is one more name confirmed at CEFI Day 2 Integrating Different Approaches. She has a master's degree in Experimental Psychology: Behavior Analysis, studying for a doctorate in the Department of Clinical Psychology, University of São Paulo. Roberta is an academic coordinator, supervisor and teacher at the Paradigm Center for Behavioral Science and Technology. Has experience in Clinical Psychology, acting on the following subjects: behavioral therapy, covert events, work in the environment, multidisciplinary team, RFT (Relational Frame Theory) applied to the clinic and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. She also has experience in Psychology training and Behavior Analysis training. Enjoy the 1st promotional lot of the congress until 10/20. Learn more at www.congressocefi.com.br or call (51) 99420-7008.