Cefi College


Rio de Janeiro - Registration open for specialization in Contextual Behavior Therapies

Contextual or 3rd Generation Behavior Therapies are changing the therapist-patient relationship. CEFI is one of the pioneers in this model that now arrives in Rio de Janeiro. Developed content includes Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) 'Functional Analytical Psychotherapy (FAP)' Behavior Analysis, Mindfulness Based Therapies, Compassion Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Behavioral Activation and Integrative Couples Behavioral Therapy (IBCT) ).

The course is aimed at psychologists and psychiatrists and is coordinated by Dr. Fabián O. Olaz (director of CIPCO - Integral Center for Contextual Psychotherapies in Cordoba, Argentina) and an internationally recognized and certified therapist in the ACT (Acceptance Therapy) models. Commitment) and FAP (Functional Analytical Psychotherapy) Specialization is MEC, CEFI and CIPCO certified.
Those who enroll in CEFI specialization courses until November 20, get 20% off the first monthly fee. Please note that CEFI students and alumni are exempt from the specialization registration fee.

Learn more at http://bit.ly/2kEwDa2 or call 51 99420-7008 (whatsapp)