Cefi College

Non -monogamous relationships consensual

This theme is little explored, although it is very current and controversial. Health and education professionals lack information based on research on this important theme.


These are theoretical classes integrated with many practical and reflective experiences

Enroll in the course
Enroll in the course
  • Target Audience:

    Professionals in the fields of health and education

  • Total workload

    18 hours/class

  • Period

    October 25 and 26, 2024.


  • Profissionais da área

    R$ 700,00 5 parcelas de R$ 140,00
  • Família CEFI

    R$ 630,00 5 parcelas de R$ 126,00
  • Estudantes de Graduação

    R$ 350,00 5 parcelas de R$ 70,00 / Graduação FACEFI R$ 300,00 5 parcelas de R$60,00