Cefi College
1st class

Specialization in Management of Loss and Mourning Situations

Knowing the mourning process enables the professional in the development of fundamental skills for interventions in different situations of mourning. The course is proposed to deepen theoretical and practical knowledge that help individuals who
experience this situation. P>

one of the greatest challenges of human being is to face the reality of death, conceptualize it and live with its existence, no matter how much philosophical alternatives are looking for , psychological, physiological, cultural or many other forms of confrontation. Although there is vast literature on the subject, speaking about death is still prohibited, heavy and avoided. Professionals from various areas of health are faced with this theme and therefore need to acquire greater knowledge to instrumentalize themselves for an appropriate understanding and approach.

The course promotes the learning of expanded understanding of mourning situations, as well as applicable interventions in different mourning contexts. Based on the scientific knowledge and expertise of the faculty, topics such as sociocultural and social aspects of death, education for death, mourning in different cultures and dying, death and spirituality, bioethics of death and dying, attachment theory, individual process of Mourning, panorama of theoretical models on loss and mourning, mourning in the different stages of the life cycle, systemic, psychodynamic, contextual, humanist, logotherapy, group, school, business, hospital, among so many approaches in which professional training is necessary for The welcome of mourning.

During the formation, the monthly group supervision provides the student the space for discussions and reflections on the living in service in private or outpatient network, in different contexts.


General Objective:
-present and deepen theoretical knowledge for a wide understanding of
Complex Mourning Process. aiming at instrumentalization for the approach of
mourning situations. P>

Specific goals:
-Empower the professional to develop personal skills to deal with situations
of mourning.
-offer skilled professionals to Interventions in the mourning for the community. With supervision
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  • classes will be taught by trained teachers and with extensive experience on the subject, based on updated theoretical material.
  • All classes will have a practical part, case discussions and clinical situations related to the class theme.
  • Monthly group supervision
  • Course Conclusion Paper, guided by a trained professional.


Our course is recognized by MEC and the space for learning includes not only classrooms, but the outpatient clinic develops Care for the community, making it possible to exercise the practice. Clinical discussions and supervision will take place throughout training.


Technical coordination:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Claudia Simone Silveira dos Santos

Enroll in the course
Specialization in Management of Loss and Mourning Situations
Enroll in the course
  • Target Audience:

    Professionals in the areas of health and education.

  • Total workload

    480 hours

  • Period

    March 2024 to March 2026


  • Taxa de inscrição

    R$ 396,00
  • Mensalidades

    Consultar condições pelo atendimento