Cefi College

Mourning Study Group

Losses are part of life. We have no way to avoid. Even though it is still a taboo, we need to look at this theme that is part of everyone's life.

The Study Group aims to empower the professional in knowledge for the development of fundamental skills for interventions in different mourning situations. For this, it offers a confidential space for discussion and improvement, as well as availability of quality didactic material to develop knowledge on the subject. An excellent opportunity for students and health professionals who want to deepen the understanding of the grief process and improve their skills to assist mourning people.


General Objective:
- Promote learning for a broad understanding of the grief process.
Specific Objectives:
- Development Understanding different types of mourning
- Provide theoretical and practical support for members
- Develop mourned assistance skills


Theoretical discussion and support material


- Signs Space
- Availability of didactic material
- Discussion and improvement space
- Provide the participant learning for management in situations of loss


Technical Coordination:
- Mariana Zanatta and Marina Andres
Administrative Coordination:
- Dennise Capua Corrêa

Enroll in the course
Enroll in the course
  • Target Audience:

    Students and health professionals who want to deepen their knowledge and develop skills for care with mourning.

  • Total workload


  • Period



  • 525,00 em até 3x
  • À vista

    10% de desconto