Cefi College


Recife - Couple Therapy Workshop based on Contextual Therapies

Opportunity for Psychotherapists in Recife: Couple Therapy Workshop based on Contextual Therapies or Third Generation Therapies. The event will be hosted by psychologist Mara Lins. She will talk about mindfulness practices for couples, fundamentals of couple acceptance and commitment therapy, and about integrative behavioral couple therapy (IBCT) that proposes the use of traditional therapy strategies with contextual therapy skills. , allowing greater psychological flexibility for the couple's satisfaction.

Learn more about the speaker MARA LINS - Psychologist. Master in Psychology (PUCRS). PhD in Clinical Psychology on Couple Integrative Behavior Therapy (IBCT, UNISINOS) .Teacher and Supervisor of postgraduate courses. DBT training. Psychotherapist ACT and IBCT. In the clinic she works especially as a couple therapist based on Contextual Therapies. Member of ACBS (Association for Contextual Behavior Science). CEFI Director.