Cefi College


Plan for the Workshop on Dialectic Behavior Therapy in Cuiabá

CEFI is honored to announce another major event in Cuiabá. On October 19th and 20th, Argentine psychologist Victor Fabris will present a Workshop on Dialectical Behavior Therapy. DBT is a model of psychotherapy within the so-called Contextual Behavioral Therapies, and is very efficient for the treatment of Emotional Disregulation, especially Borderline Personality Disorders, Feeding Conduct, Impulse Control and Chronic Depression. It is based on components of Cognitive Therapy and a strong influence of Mindfullnes (Full Consciousness). Victor Fabris has a Specialization in Family Psychotherapy from the Ackerman Institute, advanced training in Marsha Linehan Dialectical Behavior Therapy, both in the United States, Brief Psychotherapy. and psychotrauma. Victor is a professor at CIPCO, Córdoba, Argentina, a member of the Argentine Association of Cognitive Psychotherapy, a guest professor at CEFI, and other prestigious institutions. Learn more at https://bit.ly/2r4BZvd or call (65) 99910 -9911.