Cefi College


Attend the Cognitive Behavior Therapy Group Workshop in Cuiabá

Great opportunity for health professionals in Mato Grosso. CEFI will hold a Workshop on Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Groups. The event will be presented by postdoctoral psychologist Carmem Beatriz Neufeld. She will discuss the possibilities of applying TCCG in different contexts: prevention, health promotion and therapy in institutions and clinics. The workshop is aimed at psychologists, psychology students, psychiatrists and other mental health professionals. Carmem Beatriz Neufeld is a postdoctoral fellow in psychology at UFRJ and a doctorate in psychology and a master in social and personality psychology at PUCRS. . She is a professor and coordinator of USP's Cognitive Behavioral Research and Intervention Laboratory and vice president of the Latin American Association of Cognitive Psychotherapies (ALAPCO). More Information Phone (65) 999109911 (whatsApp).