Cefi College


Lecture - Challenges of married life and reflections on how to live together

In Valentine's Day, the theme of Solidarity Knowledge will be - "Challenges of married life and reflections on how to live together". The lecture will address the main challenges present in a loving relationship. The most difficult situations and conflicts in a couple's life will be explored in order to promote reflections that help prevent the problem from getting worse and weaken the relationship. Strategies and resources are presented that can be learned and used by partners to deal with conflicts, improve the way to solve problems and qualify the relationship. After all, being a couple is for those who are willing to venture into the paths of real love and enrich your story supported by each other's partnership. The event will be hosted by Cristofer Costa - psychologist, specialist in the dynamics of spousal and family relations, doctoral student in psychology and professor of the CEFI Systemic Therapy Specialization Course.

Entry is a donation to FADEM - Multiple Disability Care Foundation. The entity needs products like milk powder, chocolate milk, juices, cookies or cleaning products. The lecture will be on June 5th from 19h to 20h30. Registration must be made by 51 99420-7008 (whatsapp). Join in!

Target Audience: