Cefi College


Lecture - What would a loving relationship with acceptance look like?

The search for a full relationship is a growing demand these days. Given this context, Contextual Behavior Therapies present one of the latest ways to deal with love relationships. Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy (IBCT). This approach utilizes therapeutic change strategies (Conflict Resolution and Communication), and integrates innovative strategies: Tolerance and Acceptance, defined as the missing link to an appropriate couple therapy process.

CEFI is a pioneer in this type of service in Brazil. So on March 14 there will be the lecture "What would a loving relationship with Acceptance be like? - The New Strategies for Contextual Therapies for Couples: The Integrative Behavioral Therapy for Couples (IBCT)". Psychologist Mara Lins, PhD student in Clinical Psychology, will present this approach. The event is open to the public and the entrance is an XG diaper package for Educandário São João Batista. The lecture will take place on March 14 at 7 pm at CEFI - Vicente da Fontoura, 2333. Subscribe to 51 99420-7008 (whatsapp) | 3346.1525.