Cefi College


CEFI presents another special event in Cuiabá! Workshop: Attachment, Loss, and Grief

The event is for health professionals and students. The two days of the meeting will address fundamental concepts and theories in the study of the grief process and some intervention tools. In the course syllabus are: Attachment Theory, Psychological Process of Individual and Family Mourning, Legacy of Loss, Anticipatory Mourning, Complicated Mourning and Intervention in Mourning. There are 12 hours / class with videos, experiences and discussion of clinical cases.
The workshop will be presented by psychologist Adriana Zilbeman - Master in Social and Personality Psychology at PUCRS; Specialist in Clinical Psychology by the Federal Council of Psychology; Individual, Couple and Family Therapist, Director, Teacher and Supervisor of CEFI; Cognitive Behavior Therapy Specialist at FACCAT; Has a background in Contextual Behavior Therapies from CEFI; CORA Coordinator - CEFI Mourning Center; Group Coordinator at SBDG.

Learn more at www.cefipoa.com.br or call (65) 99910 9911.