New Extension Course - Basic Principles of Behavior Analysis for Clinical Practice

New opportunity for psychology students, psychologists and psychiatrists. CEFI has just launched a new extension course - Basic Principles of Behavior Analysis for Clinical Practice. There are 18 class hours distributed over 3 days, once a week. Teachers will present the conceptual and epistemological foundations of therapies derived from Behavior Analysis.
The methodology will include dialogued lectures, individual and small group practical exercises, case studies and vignettes, and exploration of video resources. The contents include: basic principles of CA in clinical practice, behavioral repertoire development, operant learning, adaptive behavior and psychopathology, verbal behavior in clinical practice, case formulation and functional analysis. Classes are in November and registration is now open.
Meet our teachers:
Gibson J. Weydmann: Psychologist graduated from UNISINOS. Master student at the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, Neuroscience and Behavior (LPNeC-PPG of Psychology at UFRGS). Clinical Psychologist. Organizing member of Behavior Analysis events in RS.
Janaína Pacheco: Psychologist, with undergraduate, masters and doctorate degrees from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Post-Doctorate Internship (PNPD / CAPES Scholarship) at the Pontifical Catholic University / RS. He is a professor of the Psychology Course of the Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre and of the Postgraduate Program in Psychology and Health of the same University. Responsible for Behavioral and Cognitive Theories and Techniques. Psychotherapist and Clinical Supervisor. Coordinated the 1st RS Behavior Analysis Day.
Jonatas Passos: Psychologist graduated from ULBRA, Master in Psychology from UFRGS, has a degree in Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies from USP / AMBAN and Dialectical Behavior Therapy from Behavior Tech and specialization in Contextual Behavior Therapies (FAP and ACT) from CEFI / CIPCO, as well as several trainings in FAP, ACT and Mindfulness. Acts as clinical psychologist, professor of Behavior Analysis and Behavior Therapies, especially Functional Analytical Psychotherapy - FAP - and is coordinator of the column about FAP at Portal
Lucas Schuster: Psychologist, graduated from UFRGS, specialist in Psychotherapy of Integrated Techniques, Instituto Fernando Pessoa, and Contextual Behavior Therapies by CEFI / CIPCO. Attended a course in Dialectical Behavior Therapy at CEFI / CIPCO, and participated in intensive training in Contextual Therapies at CIPCO in Cordoba, Argentina. He is a master in Clinical Psychology at PUCRS, developing a work focused on the use of Dialectical Behavior Therapy in the treatment of obesity and difficulties related to eating behavior. She is part of the CEFI Contextus clinical team as a Clinical Psychologist, acting on the application and dissemination of Contextual Behavior Therapies.
Learn more at or call 51 3346.1525 and 51 99420.7008 (whatsapp).