Cefi College


Novelty! Journey Innovations in Psychotherapy in Cuiabá

CEFI's scientific events are already tradition in Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso and we are preparing a great meeting for October in Cuiabá! It is the CEFI Journey - Innovations in Psychotherapy. Discussions will be about social skills training, emotion therapy and the family's sexual genogram. Meet our guests:
- VICENTE CABALLO: PhD in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid and Professor of Psychopathology at the University of Granada (Spain). Founder and director of the journal Behavioral Psychology / Conductual Psychology, the Ibero-American Psychological Association of Clinical and Health (APICSA) and the research group Advances in Psychopathology and Behavior Therapy (APYTEC). He has authored several books and articles, has lectured in over 10 countries. Currently researching social anxiety / phobia, bullying and personality disorders.
- ADRIANA ZILBERMAN: Psychologist; Master in Social and Personality Psychology from PUCRS; Specialist in Clinical Psychology by the Federal Council of Psychology; Individual, Couple and Family Therapist, Director, Teacher and Supervisor of CEFI; Cognitive Behavior Therapy Specialist at FACCAT; Has a background in Contextual Behavior Therapies from CEFI; CORA Coordinator - CEFI Mourning Center; SBDG Group Coordinator.
- MICHELLI OSANAI: Medical specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics and sexologist; Specialist in Sex Therapy, Group Sex Therapy and Postgraduate in Couple and Family Therapy at CEFI.