Cefi College


Novelty! TCC Course in Vitória, Espírito Santo

CEFI has over 25 years of teaching and clinical tradition in Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso. We are proud to announce our 1st Specialization Group on Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Vitória, Espírito Santo. The course is recognized by MEC and is aimed at psychologists and doctors.

Classes are theoretical and practical with discussion and case supervision. Our teachers are highly qualified with extensive academic and clinical experience. The aim of the specialization is to present conceptual aspects of the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Model and the intervention techniques in Mental Disorders most seen in the clinic.
The course has 440 hours / class in 22 consecutive monthly modules. Classes take place one weekend a month from Friday to Sunday. Learn more at 51 3346.1525 or visit www.cefipoa.com.br. We are waiting for you!