Cefi College


Mindfulness Helps in Mourning? Here comes another meeting of the Cycle

Another meeting of our 2017 Loss and Mourning Study Cycle is coming. The theme will be Mindfulness Help in Mourning? The event will be hosted by psychologist Lucianne Valdivia. She explains that "Mindfulness practice brings us closer to our here-and-now experiences as they occur. This allows us to relate to painful experiences in a welcoming, open and accepting way."

Learn more about Lucianne Valdivia: Psychologist, Master of Psychiatry, Mindfulness Instructor for Children and Adolescents at Mindful Schools / California and the Eline Snel Functional Attention Method / Netherlands. Has a background in Dialectic Behavior Therapy from the Linehan / Behavioral Tech Institute. Acts as a psychotherapist for adults, children and adolescents and is a Visiting Professor of various specialization courses in psychotherapy and the UFRGS Pain and Palliative Care Course

The Grief Cycle takes place at CEFI on August 5th from 8:30 am to 12 noon. CEFI students and students pay R $ 40,00 and professionals R $ 60,00. Sign up at 51 3346.1525 or at http://www.cefipoa.com.br/index .php / br / events / RS