CEFI marathon gathered almost 200 people and addressed dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) for diverse populations

The CEFI contextus core held on Monday (26), the free "DBT Marathon". Almost two hundred people gathered to accompany the speech of five experts, members of the core contextus, CEFI teachers and clinical experience on the DBT approach and their performance and intervention with diverse populations, such as adolescents, companies, families, health professionals, adults , people who use substances, etc. The marathon was intended to offer knowledge about the approach and its different applications, to know the methodology and themes worked and understand the practice with diverse populations. The psychologist Mariana Dillenburg began the theoretical presentations and presented the DBT bases, quoted the founder Marsha Linehan and talked about DBT training modules (Mindfulness, emotional regulation, interpersonal effectiveness and malaise tolerance). Following, the psychologist José Ignácio Cruz Gaitán talked about DBT for adolescents.The psychologist and director of CEFI, Mara Lins, also talked about DBT for relatives and friends of those who have emotional deregulation. Then the psychologist Martha Ludwig addressed the use of DBT for substance-use disorder treatments and, finally, the psychologist Vanessa Stechow ministered "contextual leadership: training of full attention skills, emotional regulation and interpersonal effectiveness in the work environment" .
For those who failed to accompany live activity, the recording of the DBT marathon will be published in the youtube of CEFI .
To deepen knowledge in DBT
CEFI performs several courses and training to deepen the DBT theme. On May 15, from 6pm to 10pm, psychologist Martha Ludwig will teach the online course "DBT for substance uses: therapy and management." click here < / Strong> to know more information.
health professionals who want to qualify in the approach can participate in the third class of "DBT skill training for health professionals", which will take place weekly on Fridays, from June 4 to August 6, totaling 10 Dating. click here to know more information.
Parents and family members with emotional deregulation can sign up and participate in the NINA DBT skill training class. There are 10 weekly meetings, on Mondays, from 7:00 p.m. to 9pm, starting on May 17 and taking place until July 19. Learn more information by clicking here .
for adults, there is the skill training group all year round, with the possibility of entry into specific dates. The next entrance will be on May 6. Learn more information Clicking here .
In August, the specialization classes begin in process-based contextual behavioral therapies, which will present, in the course of extensive programmatic content with highly qualified professionals, DBT. More information, click here .